Cupping (Hijama)

From the far East provinces of China, to the Egyptians and Mediterranean Greeks, physicians of various backgrounds believed cupping therapy to be the arcanum of wellness.

From the far East provinces of China, to the Egyptians and Mediterranean Greeks, physicians of various backgrounds believed cupping therapy to be the arcanum of wellness. It is a practice that finds its roots in the most ancient civilizations, yet evidence of its benefits branch into the present. Both conventional and holistic physicians believe in its ability to boost circulatory and immune systems, to detoxify the body, and to relax muscles. Its healing powers are multidimensional and extend to treat cosmetic concerns as well. Here at Enaya, we offer Cupping Therapy services. See the list of conditions below to decide if it is right for you. Click here to read our blog post about The Science of Cupping (Hijama) in more detail.

Health Conditions:

  • Muscle pain or muscle tension
  • Poor blood circulation
  • Toxin build-up
  • Poor digestion
  • Herpes zoster
  • Paralysis


Cupping Therapy also targets cosmetic concerns:

  • Acne
  • Cellulitis reduction
  • Body toning/shaping
  • Weight loss

Dr. Batool Dawood, Pharm.D, CFMP is the founder and CEO of Enaya, LLC. She’s a board certified pharmacist in the state of Minnesota and a University of Minnesota graduate. She has her post doctorate education and training in Functional Medicine and Clinical Nutrition through the Institute for Functional Medicine and Functional Medicine University.

Dr. Dawood is a Certified Cupping (Hijama) Therapist and performs various types of cupping at her clinic.

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