Our Weight Loss Approach

When it comes to weight loss, one size doesn’t fit all. Obesity is on the rise, and while the number of fad diets, diet supplements, and gym memberships also rise, it is shocking that most people struggle to lose weight and keep it off. To further complicate matters, every year seems to bring with it a new wave of science-approved dietary lifestyles, followed by new research that renders last year’s data outdated. Sifting through contradicting research is daunting. From paleo to vegan, low-carb to gluten-free — how do you know which dietary lifestyle is the right one for you?

At Enaya, we subscribe to a patient-centered, holistic approach. We begin by assessing our patients’ genetic makeup to determine the ideal diet for their unique bodies; we then join them on their journey toward long-lasting health and permanent weight loss.

Dr. Batool Dawood, Pharm.D, CFMP is the founder and CEO of Enaya, LLC. She’s a board certified pharmacist in the state of Minnesota and a University of Minnesota graduate. She has her post doctorate education and training in Functional Medicine and Clinical Nutrition through the Institute for Functional Medicine and Functional Medicine University.

How do you know which dietary lifestyle is the right one for you? Let us help you find it.

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